Gregory Maxwell wrote:
On 9/5/07, David Gerard wrote:
The Java player didn't actually work for me, but the idea is way cool ;-)
Does Cortado work well enough under free software JVMs to satisfy the obsessives?
Cortado works under GCJ. Although because GCJ doesn't have enough of a security model to be used for web applets, so while this software works in GCJ you should never use GCJ to run web applets. If anyone makes a complaint along these lines of reasons, call me in and I'll be glad to defend it.
In any case, Tim's extension isn't cortado only: It has the same general compatibility behavior as hack of mine we've used for the last few months. Cortado is only one of several supported playback techniques. If you don't want to install Java, you can also install the VLC plugin, or run Opera 9.5 beta (which supports the HTML5 video tag).
XiphQT is probably a better choice than Opera 9.5 beta, especially if you have QuickTime installed and working already. I tried the Opera alpha video build (9.5 is not beta yet), and found it to be crashy and incomplete. VLC is probably the best choice for open source purists.
-- Tim Starling