[I know this isn't the first time USERINFO as a source for git migration has come up but I don't remember the past discussion; sorry if I'm covering old ground]
We could just change hashar's script to use "labs-name" (new key) as Wiki username (with a fallback to "name" if there's no "labs-name") and it should already be using email for email, and svn username for shell. Make it ignore users that already have gerrit accounts with the same name and also ignore USERINFOs that are missing something like "gerritmove: 1". Then find someone to review the script output periodically and run Ryan's script.
Then we can tell people (in the account creation FAQ, the extension porting to gerrit instructions, on mailing lists like this one and mediawiki-l, etc.) to update their USERINFO themselves directly in SVN. (with some guidance about what keys will be used for what)
The script I wrote checks the user's svn name, and checks for an LDAP attribute to see if they already have a Labs/Gerrit account. If they do, it skips them.
- Ryan