Brion, if you don't want me here, please tell me so, and please indicate to jwales and chaper that you felt this pissing contest of yours was more important than my input -- which both requested.
Input's fine, but it'd be nice if we can get input without having to put up with being told we're all incompetent and U N S C A L E A B L E by someone who won't take a minute to find out about our current development work before declaring it nonexistent, or check if the software he's bashing is available for 64-bit before bashing it on the assumption that it's too backward to possibly work.
Yeah, I'm outta here.
You guys just keep scaling (no spaces this time) the way you've been doing it. I'm sure the weekly outages will stop and the database will magically become multi-homed, and you'll have fancy datacenters in germany and belgium. I'm sure that my donations will help you maintain the status quo, and that i'll be seen as the asshole who came along and made all these inflammatory statements and left in a huff.
So be it.
You'll see me editing {{mil-cruft}}.
Push hard enough, brion, and there's just a point when somebody who is a /volunteer/ will leave. Maybe I'll form a "conscientious objectors" lobby, or maybe I'll just laugh the next time the wikipedia and its related projects are down and go for a walk in the big blue room.
<sound of door slamming />