Friendly reminder that this is happening in about 2 hours!
On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 8:08 AM, Chad Horohoe wrote:
So the time is upon us to finally upgrade Gerrit. I thank everyone in advance for all of your patience and good work testing things out for us. The plan is outlined in detail on Phabricator[0], but I'll give everyone the short version here.
The downtime will be on Monday, July 25th from 01:00 to 04:00 UTC; that's Sunday night for those of us who are US-based. This time was picked based because it's one of our lowest traffic times on Gerrit. There's never a *good* time to bring it down, it's always being used, but this looks like it'll impact the fewest number of users. I do not anticipate the process actually taking the full 3 hours, but I'm giving us a lot of extra time just in case.
Jaime will be on hand to assist with a final DB snapshot of the old version and possible rollback, and Daniel Z. is going to assist me with the puppet work. Most of this is already prepared so the amount of "change" to do the swap has been kept to a minimum.
Gerrit is a critical service to all developers, so the plan includes a generous provision to roll back if things are not operating properly--I'd rather us be on the old version that works on a Monday morning than be stuck broken going into the work week.
I'll be sure to send a last minute reminder Sunday night prior to taking services offline.
Thanks again!