I have downloaded the last frwiki dump, in particulary: http://download.wikimedia.org/frwiki/latest/frwiki-latest-pages-meta-history...
I have checked the md5.
I have tried to upload with the following command:
/home/kelson/tools/jre1.5.0_06/bin/java -server -classpath /home/kelson/tools/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4/mysql-connector-java-5.0.4-bin.jar:/home/kelson/tools/mwdumper.jar org.mediawiki.dumper.Dumper --output=mysql://localhost/frwiki?user=*******&password=******** --format=sql:1.5 frwiki-latest-pages-meta-history.xml.bz2 >& titi
And that's what I have got on stderr :
8 pages (1,26/sec), 1000 revs (157,456/sec) 10 pages (0,712/sec), 2000 revs (142,339/sec) 16 pages (0,712/sec), 3000 revs (133,583/sec) 20 pages (0,631/sec), 4000 revs (126,267/sec) 28 pages (0,759/sec), 5000 revs (135,45/sec) 32 pages (0,744/sec), 6000 revs (139,519/sec) Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: java.sql.SQLException: Not a valid escape sequence: {[Mm]sg:/{{/',530,'Orthogaffe','20040603204946',...........
Any idea what goes wrong