Hi, here my table-suggestion (in ISO-EBNF): Wiki-text is compressed as follows (terminating tags are not rejected but they just dissappear from wiki-source).
input-rules: "<td>"|"<TD>", blabla, "</td>"|"</TD>", = "<td>", blabla; "<th>"|"<TH>", blabla, "</th>"|"</TH>", = "<th>", blabla; "<tr>"|"<TR>", blabla, "</tr>"|"</TR>", = "<tr>", blabla;
At request, the server expands it again as follows:
output-rules: "<td>", blabla = "<td>", blabla, "<td>"; "<th>", blabla = "<th>", blabla, "<th>"; "<tr>", blabla = "<tr>", blabla, "<tr>";
But please let's use symbols that are different from these html-lookalikes. I'm quite new here so I don't know which symbols can be used to replace "<td>", "<th>", "<tr>", and also "<table>" (and </table> ???).
Just thinking out loud.., kind regards, Pieter Suurmond