On Mon, 12 Jan 2004 18:55:38 +0100, Alwin Meschede wrote:
Even compared against the new Linux 2.6? With the new scheduler and overhauled IP-Stack, Linux 2.6 performs much better under load than Linux 2.4. On the two servers I maintain, 2.6 has improved the network performance to a measurable degree. Maybe we should give it a try on some of the soon-to-be-purchased machines...
I don't think it would be worth the risk- the differences in performance between different kernel versions or netbsd/linux will always be small- i value easy maintenance and high reliability much higher. We can easily add another server to the new setup if the load demands it. There will be quite a few additional machines to maintain- i think the easier this job gets the better.
I have Debian running on all my machines, best uptime so far was a webserver that came down after 450+ days because of a broken cooler- with the plain vanilla Debian kernel.
I don't consider a Debian install to be difficult really- quickest so far is the Morphix live CD (for a desktop setup). Chroot installs aren't hard either, even with XFS support.