Hey guys!
I can't solve this problem and asked many people about it on the #mediawiki channel. My last shot was to try pywikipediabot.sourceforge.net but I can't figure it out how could I run this on my own wiki.
So I made a test post in wikipedia which demonstrate my problem (I hope they don't delete it): http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Thisisatest
As you see if you copy text files to the mediawiki then some line will overruns the border and after you got thousands of pages in your wiki it can't be fix by hand. This wiki is not public, I need to maintain it for my company so I can't just ask someone to setup a bot to fix it even if that's a solution.
The thing is it can be fixed by hand if I go to the start of the overrunning lines and hit enter \n then it will only fix this invisible character or what should I call this. If it's not must then I don't want to use any bot to fix it.
If you have any idea how can be fixed in the whole wiki than please tell me.