On Monday 02 April 2007 11:20:53 Mark Clements wrote:
"Tels" nospam-abuse@bloodgate.com wrote in message news:200704021316.53086@bloodgate.com...
The TOP bug for me are the button/login bars on the top. With old Firefox, the buttons "edit", "move" etc. where on the same line with the "login" button (if horizontal space permitted it). Now the "login link" is on it's own line, focing the other buttons down. This wastes just screenspace, which is important for small screens, like laptops; esp. if you have a widescreen laptop - because there is enough space for both bars horizontally aligned, but less space vertically.
Is that a Firefox bug, or just a change in the MW CSS? Have you tried old versions of MW in the newest version of Firefox, or vice versa?
Not recently, but I noticed the change after upgrading Firefox (some years back). I also build a website that relied on that effect (the two bars next to each other) and upgrading Firefox "broke" this.
Konqueror did it right, back then. A quick check with current Konqueror and current Opera now shows all of them rendering it the same, "wrong" way. So maybe the CSS is just "wrong", and the browsers show it correctly. However, I am no expert in CSS so cannot decide this :)
All the best,
- -- Signed on Mon Apr 2 13:58:59 2007 with key 0x93B84C15. View my photo gallery: http://bloodgate.com/photos PGP key on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or per email.
"The need for a Steam account to play HL2 is like having to login to MS Passport to play Minesweeper."
-- Tels