What's the best way to build OOjs UI locally into the MW lib directory while developing?
I'm having two issues:
1. The README.md says:
"Install dev dependencies and build the distribution files:<br/>`$ npm install`"
This does not actually build to dist for me.
I then tried:
npm run-script publish-build
That partly works but has many errors:
However, it apparently creates the key files.
2. I see update-oojs-ui.sh, but it looks like it's only intended for when the OOjs UI change is already published.
I had to hack it up with:
npm install '/home/matthew/Code/Wikimedia/oojs/oojs-ui/'
which seems to basically work.
If there is not yet a proper way to do this, I'll probably add this as an option.
This should be documented, probably at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Using_OOjs_UI_in_MediaWiki .