Le Tuesday 28 September 2004 13:58, Andre Engels a écrit :
On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 10:43:56 +0200 Yann Forget yann@forget-me.net wrote:
And if there has to be a default, it should be Wikicommons, I think.
I disagree. I think local is the better default, for several reasons:
- It's easier for someone who uploads to a local Wikipedia to check whether
there isn't a conflict than for someone who uploads to WikiCommons
- The number of 'real' conflicts is smaller: If WikiCommons is the default,
there is a problem every time someone uploads a picture with a title already used on WikiCommons. If local is the default, there is a conflict only if the WikiCommons picture is used on that specific Wiki.
- When someone has made, for example, a translation of an image, they can
upload it locally under the title of the existing image and be ready
- When uploading an image locally with a title already existing on
WikiCommons, we could automatically upload the Commons picture as an 'old version', making the existence of conflicts even more clear.
Ok, I understand your arguments.
Also, it seems conceptually more logical - just like in object oriented programming when you define the same method on a parent and a child class, for the child class the 'local' version is taken rather than the 'global' (actually, reason #3 here has much the same feel as method overwriting in OO).
Well, my idea is, if we want to promote Wikicommons, it should be the default. So this shows that we need to be able to choose from local or Wikicommons, whatever the default is.
Andre Engels