On Tuesday 25 January 2005 22:25, David Monniaux wrote:
I'd like the possibility of showing the intro paragraph of a linked article when the mouse hovers over it.
How about something along the lines of:
Done exclusively with Javascript *without duplication of content* (read the HTML sources).
Wow, that is _neat_. The lag when moving over the link could be a bit reduced if the script would cache more than the last accessed link - like the last 5 or so.
One side-effect with Firefox 1.0 is that the favicon of the tab/window changes when fetching a remote link. However, I think this is a browser issue.
- -- Signed on Wed Jan 26 19:00:02 2005 with key 0x93B84C15. Visit my photo gallery at http://bloodgate.com/photos/ PGP key on http://bloodgate.com/tels.asc or per email.
"Den wahren Wert dieser Software werden vermutlich nur Fach Läute und Firmen erkennen." -- "So isst es. Ein gewißer Standart muss schon gewart beiben!" -- Kabe (http://tinyurl.com/3kucx)