I would like to announce that html irc logs, which were beta until now are deprecated since now, and will not be continued - these html logs are not raw txt irc logs, don't confuse them!
raw txt logs: http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/logs html logs were at: http://bots.wmflabs.org/~wm-bot/html
Raw txt logs are quite simple but reliable so we will continue supporting them, despite there might be better alternatives to them, but in addition to raw logs, new service is being developed as well. Since now wm-bot is storing irc logs into mysql database as well (it's globally accessible from wikimedia labs, poke me on irc if you wanted to work with that, credentials were accidentally pushed to github anyway :P). That will allow us to do some great things with them. One of them is introduction of this site:
Which allows you to render irc logs from any channel that is being publicly logged (@logon command of wm-bot) and for now it allows you to convert it into wiki-text as well.
This site is written in php (poor php) and is open source: https://github.com/benapetr/wikimedia-bot/tree/master/public_html/logs
In future it should support:
* Search engine (indexed and fast) * Some apis? - depends if people want them or not, in order to render irc logs somehow else - on wiki maybe? * Support for irc codes (color etc) as well as clickable url's
I hope this would improve your irc experience in wikimedia dev and other channels :-)
Have fun