I would really like to move the fundraising page to the new foundation wiki, but I can't until that wiki can support (at least) forms. Also, since there are many ideas about how to improve that page that involve other parts of HTML that we do no allow (for security reasons) by default, I think it would be best to allow full HTML.
In short, this http://wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising , needs to look a lot more like http://wikimediafoundation.org/fundraising soon.
Allowing full HTML will also make it possible for other language versions of that page (which have already been written) to go live.
Also, could somebody move the whole wiki to wikimediafoundation.org? It was a bad mistake to place it at the wikimedia.org domain name since; 1) we do not own the .com and many people naively put .com at the end of every domain name. 2) it can be easily confused with wikipedia.org.
-- Daniel Mayer (aka mav)
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