On 22 February 2013 20:30, MZMcBride z@mzmcbride.com wrote:
Matthew Flaschen wrote:
On 02/22/2013 09:38 PM, Chad wrote:
So, I've seen this site tossed around quite a bit recently, and I'm curious: is there any plan to start integrating this jenkins and our other jenkins? More importantly: is there any chance to get the results of these sorts of tests in Gerrit? I think it's great that we're expanding test coverage, but without feedback on people's patches they're usually unaware that they're breaking things.
I agree. I think our goal should be to have all the tests (QUnit, Cucumber, PHPUnit (generally already happens for this one)) result in Jenkins votes on Gerrit.
Tangentially: I've been getting a lot of Gerrit e-mail (G-mail, if you will) from jenkins-bot lately. It can increase the noise from an action to a changeset from one e-mail to three or four in some cases, it seems like.
I nearly filed a bug in Bugzilla about this, but I figured I'd be told off for not simply using local mail filtering rules. And I can. But I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to disable e-mail from a particular user (an ignore feature in Gerrit, perhaps?). Or perhaps Gerrit can only send a jenkins-bot-related e-mail on failure (it currently seems to e-mail no matter what, I think). Any insight into this would be appreciated.
These e-mails mean something (well, some of them do, namely that you - you the submitter, you the merger/potential merger, or you the bystander that gets these e-mails anyway - screwed up and it's -1'ed for some reason). However, killing off the ones which add no data (the expected outcome is that everything's fine) would be nice.
Clearly we currently suppress e-mails for the internationalisation bot (even though some of us would actually like to get those), but yes being able to kill the valueless ones would be good; being able to switch them back on opt-in for jenkins, and for i18n-bot, might make sense.