It doesn't matter because the correct behavior will accumulate over time. You don't try to "fix" linkage just because you have one single observed behavior, you collect and correlate behavior over time and use several, perhaps hundreds of observations.
Even more interesting than disambiguation pages are search pages. A user tries to find something, lands on some slightly related page, but must use another search to find the correct one. Observing only a few users will give a very confusing use pattern, but observing thousand of users over a year or more will create distinct patterns.
There are a lot of works on why and how if anyone bother digging it up. Short story it is only a matter of number of observations.
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 10:30 AM, Tyler Romeo wrote:
On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 4:26 AM, John Erling Blad wrote:
Send out a "mw-previous-referrer" on the disambiguation page and echo it back from the browser. It could be done through a cookie. On next page it must be removed, either in the server or in the browser. The server can simply rip off any incoming cookie, but not sure if this will work in the squids or if it is simple to implement. The echoed back mw-previous-referrer can then be logged somehow for the landing page. Analysis of the log will then identify missing or failed linkage.
The same could be done for search pages, as much of the same problem exist there.
Instead of using cookies javascript can do this by remembering specific pages by using the session storage. That could imply a logging facility with some kind of api access.
This is an even worse solution. Not only does it have the same problem I mentioned, but also what if the person just browses to another page by URL? Then the server thinks the user got there from the disambiguation page.
*-- * *Tyler Romeo* Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2016 Major in Computer Science | _______________________________________________ Wikitech-l mailing list