On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 05:52:31 -0800, Dmitriy Sintsov questpc@rambler.ru wrote:
On 07.12.2011 13:33, Dmitriy Sintsov wrote:
- Trevor Parscaltparscal@wikimedia.org [Tue, 6 Dec 2011 17:21:43
The hype of "2.0" aside, is there a guideline for what should
a major version number change?
It looks like we are doing something like: Major.Minor.Release
1.18 = Major: 1, Minor: 18, (alpha|beta|etc.)
I'm just curious what people think would constitue a major version. We've certainly had major rewrites of systems in the past that didn't seem
justify a version bump. Is there anything wrong with having version 1.249? Is there a practical reason for bumping the version at some point
when the minor version hits tripple digits)?
Also, a rewrite of MediaWiki should for sure be done in Node.js :)
- Trevor
Is Javascript really that good? Some people dislike prototypical inheritance, it seems that jQuery prefers to use wrappers instead (that's a kind of suboptimal architecture). Also, Google had some complains about Javascript flaws (for example primitive types don't allow high performance available in Java / C#), suggesting to replace it with something else.. Although having common clientside / serverside codebase is nice thing, for sure. And there's nothing more widespread than Javascript at client side. Also, it's object side is strong (something like Lisp with C-syntax), however it does not have generics, named parameters etc.. Dmitriy
A small correction: functional side, not object side. Dmitriy
Generics, named parameters? Why are you picking on things that even php doesn't have. If you want names parameters JS is even closer than php. It has a more concise object syntax which means that foo({asdf: 1}) is barely any longer than a normal function call to type, compared to the php equivilant which is foo(array('asdf' => 1)).
And jQuery is jQuery. It uses it's funky syntax for a reason related to what it does.
Now I AM a JavaScript on the server guy (I have a company web application that runs with server side JavaScript and I even participated in the CommonJS pesudo-wg group for awhile) but I'm not so sure about Node.js being the way forward.
Actually, aiming for something with ES5+harmony/next features might even be the best. Traceur could add the features client side.
var {Foo, Bar} = asdf; var [asdf, qwery] = arr; function foo(bar = 5, ...rest) {} for ( let key in obj ) {} (x for ( x of list ) if (x % 2 === 0)) module Foo { export let bar = 42; } var obj = { [variable]: value, foo(bar) { return bar+1; } get baz() { return 5; } }; let text = "qzx$cv"; "asdfzx$cvqwerty".match(re`^adsf${text}qwerty`); "foobar".startsWith("foo"); typeof null === "null";