Congratulations to all. Yet again, Wikimedia has been accepted as a mentoring organization for the Google Summer of Code program.
The two programs GSoC '16 and Outreachy 12 are now in full swing and we require your support to make them successful! The timeline for GSoC '16 is [1].
We have a lot of project ideas in the Possible-Tech-Projects board[2], where students can look for projects.
Some of them are already featured, while a lot more *require your love*.
Feel free to add yourself as a mentor if you think you could help move any of the projects forward, especially in the "*Discussion*" and "*Missing mentors*" column. A lot of projects in the "*Missing mentors*" column have also been recently added, which are Community wishlist items, and stand a good chance of being featured.
Enlisting some of the more discussed projects here - 1. Technology to transclude git content into Wiki pages - [3] 2. Improving static analysis tool for MediaWiki.[4] 3. Make the education program dashboard usable for all languages and projects.[5]
Comments are *most welcome* in shaping these ideas into featured projects.
Also, if you know of other projects/ideas which could be a good fit for a 3 month GSoC/Outreachy internship, just add #possible-tech-projects to them and we'll help in defining its scope.
More info can be found out at the MediaWiki page for GSoC '16[6]
Lets collaborate and help students turn some *ideas into reality*!
[1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] -
-Thank You! -Sumit -Co-organizer of GSoC '16 and Outreachy 12 alongwith Tony Thomas