On 19/02/13 21:11, MZMcBride wrote:
In the context of https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10621, the concept of using wiki pages as databases has come up. We're already beginning to see this:
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Module:languages (over 30,000 lines)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Module:Convertdata (over 7,400 lines)
At large enough sizes, the in-browser syntax highlighting is currently problematic.
We can disable syntax highlighting over some size.
But it's also becoming clear that the larger underlying problem is that using a single request wiki page as a database isn't really scalable or sane.
The performance of #invoke should be OK for modules up to $wgMaxArticleSize (2MB). Whether the edit interface is usable at such a size is another question.
(ParserFunction #switch's performance used to prohibit most ideas of using a wiki page as a database, as I understand it.)
Both Lua and #switch have O(N) time order in this use case, but the constant you multiply by N is hundreds of times smaller for Lua.
Has any thought been given to what to do about this? Will it require manually paginating the data over collections of wiki pages? Will this be something to use Wikidata for?
Ultimately, I would like it to be addressed in Wikidata. In the meantime, multi-megabyte datasets will have to be split up, for $wgMaxArticleSize if nothing else.
-- Tim Starling