(tarquin tarquin@planetunreal.com):
Sorry if I offended -- I only meant to say we have areas of knowledge
No problem--I agree, I'm not a CSS guru by any means.
There are quite a few tricks to work around the problem of single classes. For example, there's no need to give the "From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." paragraph a class. We can access it by either:
h1 + p { /* first P after an h1 but I'm not sure how IE supports this */ } or div.masthead p { /* if we made a top div */ }
with E[foo="bar"] you can do matching on arbitrary tags, but again, support is patchy.
Yep, that's another problem with CSS--I've tried to make the stylesheets I created as simple and widely-supported as possible, and the fallbacks reasonable. That's why I want to see a complete working page before I think about coding anything--I want to see exactly what it looks like on a wide set of browsers first, then make the code produce it.