On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Erik Moeller erik@wikimedia.org wrote:
- Real-time recent changes. This should be relatively straightforward
using the IRC feeds. Most effort here will go into prettification, I think. What would be a good IRC client to show multiple channels at once?
If you can get some process to print to stdout, then you can hook that into xscreensaver for its nicer visual effects in displaying text.
At LiveJournal I did this with the new entry feed and the "phosphor" screen saver, which produced a screen that made it look as if people were typing the new entries in realtime. (For what it's worth, this eventually became part of the xscreensaver distribution: http://linux.die.net/man/6/ljlatest . That man page also references other screen savers to try for text display.)