Daniel Barrett schrieb:
Now that skins/common/wikibits.js is gone, so is the function ts_makeSortable. What is the equivalent call to ts_makeSortable(table) in MediaWiki 1.18?
The tablesorter is available as a jQuery plugin function, see http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/trunk/phase3/resources/jquery/jque...
Here is our code we need to convert:
function makesortable( context ) { $('table.sortable', context) .each(function(index, table){ if (!$(table).find('th a span.sortarrow').length) { ts_makeSortable(table); } }); }
This is from an extension that sorts a table by a specified column when the page is rendered.
I'd propose $('table.sortable:not(.jquery-tablesorter)').tablesorter();