I agree with Rob that changing Gerrit or Gitorious or Gitlab is not something that we should get undertake lightly. In my opinion, it is more realistic to evaluate the tools as they exist today, with maybe mostly minor changes and small features that MW developers could contribute towards. Larger changes might require more dedicated developer resources and would also take time.
OT: I also noticed some Ruby concerns on this thread. Except Gerrit, 4 of
the other
5 candidates (Github, Gitorious, Gitlab, and Barkeep) are all written in
Ruby (on Rails
possibly). Ruby performance has improved over the years for all 3
(MRI, Rubinius, and JRuby). JRuby (Ruby implementation on the JVM)
especially has improved quite a lot over the last couple years. Over the
last 3
years, I have been an active developer on JRuby and I have also written and maintained Rails apps. So, I am familiar with Ruby and am happy to help with Ruby related issues.
I may also be able to help with some Ruby related coding if needed. Ruby isn't my best language by any means, but I've had to work with it (and Rails) a few times. Along with MediaWiki extensions my work often has me make Redmine Plugins.
Thank you, Derric Atzrott