On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 9:16 PM, Tyler Romeo tylerromeo@gmail.com wrote:
Also, popular libraries (such as Google's hosted versions of jQuery and others) always include license headers in the minified versions.
That's not what I see. If I look at jQuery as hosted by Google [1], it starts with the following comment (and nothing more):
/*! jQuery v1.9.1 | (c) 2005, 2012 jQuery Foundation, Inc. | jquery.org/license //@ sourceMappingURL=jquery.min.map */
It does link to a license (though it doesn't even mention what the license is directly), but it certainly doesn't contain the whole license itself. And, as I understand it, that's what you claim is required and what others claim would be a waste of bandwidth
[1]: http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js
Petr Onderka [[en:User:Svick]]