Timwi wrote:
Magnus Manske wrote:
The one I'm currently working on is "manual" C++, but I see no reason not to use an parser-generator. Question: Can a parser-generator ensure the output (no matter the input) is valid XML?
Krzysztof Kowalczyk already tried to explain this, but I'll put it in different words. The parser generator doesn't "ensure" the output is valid XML; the programmer has to do that. But it's easy. A parser generator generates the code to turn wikitext into a parse tree; to go from a parse tree to a valid-XML representation of that parse tree is like 1+1=2. It's trivial.
Do you know what a parse tree is? If not, let me know, and I'll try to explain that to you too.
I do know what it is. I already wrote a compiler or two during my informatics classes. The way I put the questions in the original mail was confusing, and I apologize. It was rather meant rhetorical, like in "I don't think it does".
The chain would then be preprocessing-parsing-XML-XHTML.
Uhm... no. See: http://mail.wikipedia.org/pipermail/wikitech-l/2004-August/012135.html where I describe the process.
You don't want to do anything to the text before parsing it (assuming here that parsing includes lexing, although technically they're separate steps). You want to do all processing after parsing.
By "preprocessing", I mean replacing the {{template}} things with the appropriate text stored in the database. The external parser can't do that, and it can't be done afterwards, when everything is XML already (see below). So, we'll have to do it as the very first step, just like C/C++ does.
Why? Well, because this is the purpose of parsing. We want to turn the text into a data structure that computers can handle better than text. It is much easier and much less error-prone to say "if this object is a tree node representing template-inclusion, then do this" than to say "search the string for some fuzzy pattern that looks a bit like a template inclusion, but look out for nesting, and make sure you get the parameters right, because they might contain pipes inside piped links, and try not to mess things up."
Example : {| {{template}} | stuff |} with {{template}} being "bgcolor=#FFFFFF". Wouldn't that be filtered out if we do the template replacement when we're already in XML? Because, XML probably would look something like <table <wikitemplate>template</wikitemplate>> <tr><td>stuff</td></tr></table> if we let the parser loose on the template inclusion, which is *not* valid XML. C/C++ also does "#define" before the actual parser. It is exactly the same as our templates.
Of course, we can explicitly forbid cases like the above.
The XML could be cached, as all changes influenced by user options would happen only in the final step.
That is correct! But this XML would still be just the parse tree for the wiki text.
Yes, the XML->(X)HTML step (compiling) would have to be done again each time. But I figure that will take way less time than parsing does now.
Personally, I'm almost inclined to say that having a proper parser is more important than performance. :-) But I'm confident that it will outperform the current parser by far.
All in due time (pun intended:-)