jidanni@jidanni.org schrieb:
The BLOBs are fine, it's just the VARCHARs, `ar_title` varchar(255) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '', How can one convert these back to UTF-8 with a script, outside of mysql, just for occasional viewing of the SQL dumps outside of the wiki. Yes, my wiki works fine. OK, I'll study http://www.oreillynet.com/onlamp/blog/2006/01/turning_mysql_data_in_latin1_t...
Again: never mind what it is declared as, it *is* UTF-8. MySQL may however automatically convert it on the way to the clinet or dump program. To prevent that, tell mysql that the encoding of your client is latin1. Confusing? Hell yea :)
-- daniel