Just because you're currently talking about the parser I thought I might bring up an issue which should be fixed in a next generation parser:
* foo bar foo
<UL><LI>foo bar </LI></UL> foo
It should become
<UL><LI>foo bar foo </LI></UL>
I generally agree that wiki markup should not span linebreaks, but here I think it should at least span single linebreaks. Otherwise it gets very hard to format bullets with long paragraphs:
* foaer aoierj aerjf ioaer oifmaeo rmfi aoerijf oaeir ioafjeoirjf oaierj oaierjfoiaj eroi fjaeroijf aoerji oaeijrfo iajero fjaoerij oaierjfo iajeio jraeoifj aoeirj oiaejrfo iajerio fjaoerjifo iajeroij afoeirjf aioejr ioaerjfoairjefo iaejroifj ioaerjf ioaerjfoaierjfoi jaeroifjaoeirjfoaerjif ioaerjfioaejrfo iajer fioaejrifj aeiorjfoaeirjf oiaejrfoiaejrfioaejrfoi ..
I can't insert a linebreak because that would kill the bullet. But a single linebreak would already increase readability. This is important for [[Current events]], where individual items are formatted as bullets and can get fairly long.