On Sun, May 18, 2014 at 7:36 AM, Yuvi Panda yuvipanda@gmail.com wrote:
Hello everyone!
I just merged a change into the new wikibugs that will help reduce botspam on #wikimedia-dev. wikibugs will no longer report bugs on #wikimedia-dev that have been reported in other channels, thus reducing duplication. The previous behavior was that wikibugs will ping multiple channels - mobile bugs went to both #wikimedia-mobile and #wikimedia-dev, flow bugs to both #wikimedia-corefeatures and #wikimedia-dev, etc. Now they only go to the primary channel and bypass -dev. So mobile bugs will only go to #wikimedia-mobile, and not to #wikimedia-dev. This also matches the behavior of grrrit-wm.
#mediawiki-feed still gets the full firehose of all changes, if you are interested in that.
-- Yuvi Panda T http://yuvi.in/blog
Woohoo! Thank you, Yuvi. :)
Note: Current setup details are at https://github.com/valhallasw/pywikibugs/blob/master/channels.py docs are linked at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/wikibugs