On May 4, 2014 10:24 PM, "Ori Livneh" ori@wikimedia.org wrote:
an implementation for a recent changes stream broadcast via socket.io, an abstraction layer over WebSockets that also provides long polling as a fallback for older browsers.
I see this is using redis. FWIW I was initially wondering if this would leverage the log aggregation infra that analytics is building. Currently we use UDP for the IRC feed which is vulnerable to silent loss in case of packet loss or other network disruption. I believe analytics will be using an eventually consistent system? Or we could just watch the UDP stream for sequence gaps and fill in the gaps with data from the RC table in the corresponding DB. (likewise we could watch for gaps in redis and backfill into redis from DB as needed)
How could this work overlap with adding pubsubhubbub support to existing web RC feeds? (i.e. atom/rss. or for that matter even individual page history feeds or related changes feeds)
The only pubsubhubbub bugs I see atm are https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=38970%2C30245