David Gerard wrote:
2009/8/4 William Allen Simpson william.allen.simpson@gmail.com:
If you have to buy now, and are unlikely to upgrade for years, the current gold plated performance version is Sun ZFS over NetApp filers.
Rilly? I thought they were comparable in performance but Sun was way cheaper (hence the patent kerfuffle).
No idea myself. I'm just passing along comments verbatim. I'm pretty sure "gold plated" means expensive. And I'm pretty sure NetApp wouldn't stay in business long for "comparable" performance. So, a whole bunch of somebodies out there think that NetApp performance exceeds others. YMMV.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, the team needs to decide whether the 2 server, shared, pushme-pullyou variant, without Fiber Channel (or iSCSI or whatever), would perform well enough to meet current needs.