There are some places in our code where we are nesting transactions.
A code like: $dbw->begin(); $dbw->insert( 'image', ... ); $article->doEdit( $pageText, $comment, EDIT_NEW | EDIT_SUPPRESS_RC ); $dbw->query( "UPDATE $site_stats SET ss_images=ss_images+1" ); $dbw->commit();
Is apparently safely grouped into a transaction, but the UPDATE won't be in the same transaction as the insert, since Article::doEdit will itself open a transaction, breaking the old one. This is an unexpected result, and hard to realise, should the second transaction lie several calls down (or even inside a hook!).
The transaction break, common to all our supported databases is not even consistent among them: * Mysql will commit the open transaction if you begin another one [1]. * Postgres will ignore the second begin (and issue a warning) if you are inside a transaction [2]. * In sqlite an attempt to invoke the BEGIN command within a transaction will fail with an error [3] (our driver forces a commit there, matching mysql behavior). * Oracle is not using a specific statement in our driver begin(). Calling begin() inside another transaction will be silently ignored (matches postgres). * Mssql only takes into account the outermost transaction [4] (matches postgres). * Ibm_db2 driver is changing the autocommit property like Oracle, thus matching postgres.
I propose changing Database::begin() / commit() / rollback() to keep the count in mTrxLevel and perform a savepoint instead of a BEGIN should it be called inside another one.
Savepoints are a way to perform partial rollbacks inside a bigger transaction. They are supported by all our databases [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]. We shouldn't even have problems with our 4.0.30 servers, since its support was added in mysql 4.0.14 [11].
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