"RT" == River Tarnell r.tarnell@IEEE.ORG writes:
and retention is set to forever, so it also acts as an archive.
Fetch from 'news.tcx.org.uk' Connected to Updating groupinfo Could not change to group wikimedia.gendergap Retrieving article list Fetch from 'news.tcx.org.uk' finished
RT> I've now added a basic web interface: RT> http://news.tcx.org.uk/group/wikimedia.
$ w3m -dump http://news.tcx.org.uk/group/wikimedia. #which you also use on http://news.tcx.org.uk/wikimedia.html # Nothing. Are you sure you want the dot appended to the URL? Let's try it with none: $ w3m -dump http://news.tcx.org.uk/group/wikimedia Status: 500 Content-type: text/html
Software error:
Cannot find group: wikimedia. at /aux0/srv/news.tcx.org.uk/fcgi-bin/group.fcgi line 141.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (r.tarnell@IEEE.ORG), giving this error message and the time and date of the error. RT> as well as a search index: RT> http://news.tcx.org.uk/search RT> (since lists.wikimedia.org disables Google searching and doesn't provide RT> its own search interface).
Better not tell the N*zis who made it that way, lest they try to shut you down. I would quote the last discussion thread about that, but of course, I can't find it, just like they intended. They can save the URLs for discussions favorable to their position, but nobody can search for opposing articles. Or maybe they have softened their views now. Or maybe they have moved to Egypt or North Korea.
RT> Obviously this will become more useful once the archives are imported.
Oh no, that will just add one more nail in the coffin of thinking there are no other sites which already archive and index wikimedia groups. (And don't tell me to do my aforementioned search there, as they don't exist, right?)