Daniel Friesen wrote:
- Brion mentioned there is prior art in hosting large numbers of git
repos. Gitorious' codebase is open-source and can be re-used. Wikimedia could potentially host it's own gitorious for MediaWiki git repos.
I realised today that we are trying to adapt our layout to the DCVS. It should be the tool the one which should adapt to our own working. It is a good time to split in repos if we want to, but we shouldn't split folders just because a version system does not support it. We should file it as a bug upstream and wait for any of the several alternatives to fix it.
-- Theoretically this should also make it easier to give anyone who asks a user account with commit access only to their own extension. ie: It should become much easier to get extensions of authors without commit who are currently building extensions using tarballs, external code hosting, or pages on MW.org to commit to a Wikimedia hosted repo which we can also commit to and review.
Have you seen Ryan Lane work? The users could add their ssh key and automatically get commit access to its own extension with that.
- I'd like to use a standard set of scripts for dealing with repos
en-masse. This would allow us to do mass commits as well for code maintenance, rather than only being able to checkout en-masse. We could also make this take extensions themselves into account in ways that'll let us have it only download extension repos of a specific type (extensions in TWN, SMW extensions, extensions listed in a text file list of extensions you want to work with) which would help with the TWN issues.
Google has some scripts like that for dealing with multiple repositories (and multiple vcs).