One of Tyler Romeo's suggested approach is to use
... but it does need a second argument of type IContextSource. I do not know how to get it or how to instantiate it yet. At the moment it does not retrieve the page content as well because of the missing IContextSource ...
Can somebody Maybe Article::newFromTitle($titleObj, IContextSource-something) would
Do I need that IContextSource? I read at Manual:Article.php to use the WikiPage class instead, so maybe at this point I don't have to use IContextSource(?). WikiPage::factory($titleObj) prints the same Title Object structure as Title::newFromText("Existing page but not existing for Title object class");
Does it may have to do with data base update, some of the maintenance scripts? Maybe data in the data base are not entirely correct after upgrading from MW 1.18 to MW 1.20.2? How do I ensure that the data base has correct page data? When I run php ./update.php --conf /path/to/LocalSettings.php all is fine ... any further idea?
Thanks, Andreas