On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 10:42 AM, Alex Brollo alex.brollo@gmail.com wrote:
I'm not a developer so it's perfectly normal that I can't understand anything about your talk; nevertheless, please, remember of KISS principle when building any installing tools for poor, final users. I'm waiting for something like "pip install core".
Just to clarify on the implications of using Composer, specifically:
1) If you are using MediaWiki through tarball releases (or rather, anything other than using git), this will *not* affect you. Tarballs will ship with the dependencies pre-loaded, so nothing changes.
2) If you are using MediaWiki through git, the extra step you will need to do to install MediaWiki is:
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php ./composer.phar install
And hopefully, if the user has enough knowledge to clone a git repository, they should understand command line and how to run these two basic commands. (As a side note, you can install composer globally by moving composer.phar to /usr/bin/local/composer, which makes thing simpler.)
Of course, all of this will be thoroughly documented.
Additionally, it is also possible to just integrate Composer into the MediaWiki installer, and have the normal install process load the dependencies on its own. Of course, this assumes the web server has write permissions to the install directory.
*-- * *Tyler Romeo* Stevens Institute of Technology, Class of 2016 Major in Computer Science