jidanni@jidanni.org schrieb:
Say, e.g., api.php?action=query&list=logevents looks fine, but when I look at the same table in an SQL dump, the Chinese utf8 is just a latin1 jumble. How can I convert such strings back to utf8? I can't find the place where MediaWiki converts them back and forth.
It doesn't. it's already UTF8, only mysql things it's not. this is because mysql doesn't support utf8 before 5.0, and even in 5.0 and later, the support is flacky.
So, mediawiki (per default) tells mysql that the data is latin1 and treates it as binary.
If you see it asa "jumble" entirely depends on the program you view it with.
this is a nasty hack, and it may cause corruption when importing/exporting dumps. be careful about it.
-- daniel