Timwi wrote:
Gerard Meijssen wrote:
I would welcome your comments about the ERD that I posted here http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:ERD.jpg
Looks interesting, but is extremely bare. It would do well with a bit of documentation. For much of it, the purpose isn't entirely clear. I'm particularly confused as to why "Language", "Word" and "Meaning" are each duplicated.
Hoi, There is some documentation here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Wiktionary_data_design and http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Ultimate_Wiktionary_decisions_on_its_usage here. The duplication reflects that there is at least one table that has two relations to the same table. Language refers to itself for dialects, Word refers through Conju/Decli (conjucation or declinations) to a headword and derived words, Meaning is related through "Relations" this is to allow for thesaurus like structures.
One reason why it is not as much documented as I would like is, because I am still working on the structure. At this moment I am thinking hard on how to include signed languages and the spoken dialects of the Chinese and Arabic written language.
Thanks, GerardM