(tarquin tarquin@planetunreal.com):
Suppose I'd like to make improvements to the current skins -- how do I get HTML & CSS that I can work with? I can find the CSS files for the existing skins in the stuff I got from CVS, but everything else is in PHP. Where is the actual HTML made and how can I see it?
Well, yeah, it's in PHP; what gets rendered within the article text is handled by the doWikiPass2() function of OutputPage.php, which makes calls out to the skin to render links and some other things. The stuff before and after the article text is produced by the skin directly.
Skin.php is subclassed by the individual skins.
What I'm interested in seeing is a /complete page/, fully rendered,
with all text, markup, and style elements.
You mean a Wikipedia page that's just like one I would save from my web browser?
Exactly. If that shows me some tricks that would useful, then I can code them up.
Those sound useful; if you can integrate that into the existing stylesheets, so much the better.
From what I can tell from Skin.php, the current system shoves a "bgcolor" => "#FFFFDD" into the HTML's BODY tag Change that to shove a class= ... as in my notes: "class" => "article" and "class" => "meta" presumably
That (or something like it) is probably a good idea. I'm only a bit concerned that I want to have styles that apply to the body text of articles regardless of namespace, but I suppose I can use the DIVs for that.