I've tweaked pliny's apache config a bit; keepalive is now off and the max connections setting is turned up to the max of 255. This should keep connections from piling up and forcing new ones to queue up quite so often.
Pliny's still having those 'bad sector' errors occasionally. Obviously it's a little worrying. :) Someone suggested a nice thorough fsck could get it appropriately marked bad and thus worked around; this could help once we've got something to take over for pliny sensibly and we can take it offline...
Ursula is still straining with the databases; this is mostly disk-bound, on a slow disk. I don't really want to add the web serving on top of it.
If we get geoffrin back online and working soon, ursula can take over for pliny while it's being fixed.
And, of course, there's the New Machine; if the overheating problems are resolved and it works in the near future, I'd like to get it to replace larousse in serving en.wikipedia.org. This will get rid of the need for en2 until we get an all-around server farm set up.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)