Hi all,
First of all, I'm sending a big thank you to everyone who contributes code to MediaWiki. You all make this social revolution possible.
Based on Jimmy Wales' Wikimania keynote and other sources, I know that much of the community recognizes WYSIWYG editing as an important feature for enabling greater participation. There's a comment, however, from Brion on the discussion page of the MediaWiki roadmap http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki_roadmap that it isn't in their immediate plans.
A page on Meta http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WYSIWYG_editor lists several experiments and implementation ideas, but is anyone seriously tackling this problem? Should we take up a collection to hire a developer to work on this? Or maybe to offer X PRIZE style bounty for a successful implementation? I'm in for $25!
Sincerely, Matthew Simoneau http://www.matthewsim.com/