While search is being updated, a small plea for a slightly better interface to namespace selection (and advanced options generally).
At the moment namespace is 18 check boxes at the bottom of the page. A lot of clicking, each in its own box. Changing this to a list box (allowing CTRL-CLICK or selection/deselection of multiple namespaces in one action) would make this much easier to enter. Possibly also the ability in the config file for a wiki sysadmin to specify some standard options for simplicity:
* Articles
* Articles and article discussion
* Articles, discussion, project space, and project talk
* Project and project talk spaces
* Images, categories, templates and their talk pages
* All namespaces
* Custom
or an option "Also search talk pages". But some way to make namespace selection easier.
A number of the options available will be inaccessible to many users because they need to be typed in as a parameterized search text. I'm going to guess most users will not access the new features, even though extremely helpful, because of lack of confidence. As with Google advanced search, one solution might be an "advanced search" interface where different fields can be entered and the user is guided what to put in, for each. It may be a good idea if we're beefing up internal search, to also ensure users discover the new features and can easily access them :)