Hi all,
I'm planning to spend some time in Zurich getting a centralauth role for vagrant working (part of https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Z%C3%BCrich_Hackathon_2014/Topics#Production-...). I wanted to get opinions (probably more bikeshed) about how you would like to access multiple wikis on a single vagrant instance. If anyone is interested in using CentralAuth on vagrant for development/testing, please chime in!
We can either use a different subdirectory per wiki, or different domain per wiki.
Different domains is closer to how we run thing in production, but it would require copying dns settings to your host (there doesn't seem to be a good, cross-platform way to do this from vagrant itself, but if anyone has a solution, that would make the decision easy). So you would work on,
http://localhost:8080/ (main vagrant wiki) http://loginwiki.dev:8080/ (loginwiki) etc.
Different subdirectories is how I currently do development and I personally don't mind it, but it makes turning CentralAuth on and off more of a challenge, since the current wiki is in the web root. So
http://localhost:8080/wiki/ (main vagrant wiki) http://localhost:8080/loginwiki/ (loginwiki) etc.