On Mon, Dec 09, 2002 at 11:28:38AM -0500, Mark Wojtowicz wrote:
Andre Engels scribed:
At present the following characters are allowed in titles: [-,.()' &;%!?_0-9A-Za-z/:\x80-\xFF]
If ? is in that list, how can we support the following?
http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/foo?lang=en http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/foo?lang=en&action=edit
How do we know that the title of the page is not foo?lang=en instead of being "foo", and having the argument lang=en applied to it?
I really don't like the ':' separator in the URL section for namespaces, because it shows up as a hex encoded string, instead of ':' in my urlbar.
Can we find some other syntax (not necessarily syntax within the [[]]) for accessing pages and specifying their namespace in the URL?