On Mon, May 07, 2007 at 06:40:02PM -0400, Gregory Maxwell wrote:
On 5/7/07, Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com wrote:
Well, my point was more "what, *exactly* happens when you ask Google to index a page?" The issue sounded like "could we please get this pulled offline *RIGHT NOW*!?", and I have no reason to believe that the publically available Google API for this has anything like that degree of control...
It does exactly what I said it does in my prior post. It pulls pages *right* *now*, iff you've marked them to be no indexed (through any of several mechanisms) and you tell it to hit them.
Such has not ever been my understanding of the publically accessible tools for this.
notes that 'priority' requests will take 3-5 days, and that they won't reappear in the index for at *leaat* 180 days. That doesn't sound like a solution to this problem.
The only *other* removal procedures I see are mentioned at
which notes that the changes will take effect *the next time Google crawls the site*.
And while there *used* to be a place where you could say "here's my URL, please crawl my site",
suggests pretty strongly that there no longer is.
Could you expand on your assertion above, Greg?
Cheers, -- jra