I'm currently fiddling with the importUseMod-script for migrating a wiki and have implemented a functionality for replacing CamelCase notation with "correct fluent text". Along this I also took the opportunity to insert appropriate [[Category:...]] and {{...}} lines into the respective SQL statements in varying numbers. After running the import SQL those insertions are available in the plain article text and displayed/executed correctly, but they are not subject to search and "Specialpages:Category" links.
Example: The lines [[Category:Glossary]] and {{revise}} are part of a large number of articles. The category list at the bottom of the page is displayed correctly and if the Article "Template:revise" exists, its content is included correctly. But when clicking the category name or performing a text search on "revise", there is nothing returned. This changes when a respective article is once opened for edit and saved immediately after (or doing actual changes). Then this article is availabe in the category listing and comes up as a search result.
Of course I can see that this is due to the missing information in the categorylinks and searchindex tables which is obviously created/updated when saving an article.
Now for the question after all: Opening and just saving ~1000 articles for the sake of indexing categories and search may be an honourable task, but an eternal one as well -
Is there a function/script/trick to run once and after that the categories and searchindexes would be up to date? No problem if this takes a while.
Greetings Philipp