Rachel Farrand rfarrand@wikimedia.org wrote:
Please join for the following tech talk:
*Tech Talk**:* Creating Useful Dashboards with Grafana *Presenter:* Timo Tijhof *Date:* January 13, 2016 *Time: *21:30 UTC http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Timo+Tech+Talk&iso=20160113T2130&p1=1440&ah=1 Link to live YouTube stream http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlL6UoRUQAM *IRC channel for questions/discussion:* #wikimedia-office
*Summary: *Over the past two years Timo has worked a lot with our metric infrastructure and the various visualisation tools in use at Wikimedia. The aim of this talk is to help you create better dashboards with Grafana. Timo will discuss the various metric types we have, how they are gathered in our software environments, and how you can use Graphite to query this data. He will also share lessons learned in the Performance Team using real world examples.
I have occasionally watched some of these talks on YouTube, and common problems were that a) at the start of the talk the presenter had to figure out how to focus on the screen he wanted to share and b) the audio was abysmal in that sometimes built-in microphones were used and/or the audio sounded like it was passed through several speaker/micro- phone loops, i. e. that not the presenter's microphone was recorded (directly).
It would be nice if these glitches could be resolved with each presenter before their (live) talk in a "sound check", so that they can concentrate on their presentation and the viewers/listeners on its content. This won't get rid of the door slammers at WMF, but greatly improve the experience in between.