On Mon, 2003-04-28 at 03:30, Erik Moeller wrote:
As I wrote you by private mail, I think people would be much more willing to accept a temporary deactivation of the sysop SQL feature, which, if at all, should be run on a separate machine (possibly a mirror, could really be 1-2 days out of date).
I have only very rarely seen slowdowns caused by sysops making SQL queries, whereas the special pages and the search cause much more continuous states of slowness as they are constantly pounded on.
Yes, you are correct, they are very rare. But if they occur, they will effectively slow down all other queries for the time they run. Because of the risk that such an out of control query can slow us down for hours, I think there's really no argument that can be made for keeping them active, unless we implement a timeout (which would mean you or Lee, because I frankly never cared much about the SQL feature). That doesn't mean that we should not consider other options for speedings things up as well (although I agree that the server situation needs to improve in any case).