Bundling together some notices.
The linux.conf.au call for talks closes July 6th, *Australian time*. http://linux.conf.au/media/news/1 If you submit a good talk that doesn't get accepted, you may win a free ticket to attend LCA. http://linux.conf.au/media/news/26 "This year, the papers committee is going to be focused on Linux on the frontier and deep technical content-- that might range from cybernetics and mobile operating environments to large astronomy projects and big data projects." LCA is 6-10 Jan 2014 in Perth, Australia. If you get a talk accepted, you could get a travel subsidy: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Participation:Support
If you're coming to Wikimania in Hong Kong next month, and you're coming to the DevCamp August 7-8, please list yourself at https://wikimania2013.wikimedia.org/wiki/DevCamp and add to https://wikimania2013.wikimedia.org/wiki/DevCamp/Brainstorming .
August 14-16 in Washington, DC is the USENIX Security Symposium which "brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, system programmers, and others interested in the latest advances in the security of computer systems and networks." https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity13 July 15th is the deadline for students to apply for a grant to pay for travel, accommodations, and registration fees: https://www.usenix.org/conference/usenixsecurity13/students
Circumvention Tech Summit IV will be September 29-October 1 in Berlin. http://www.openitp.org/openitp/circumvention-tech-summit.html "CTS events are designed to increase dialog and cooperation between privacy tool developers, community activists, journalists and other stakeholders interested in improving the tools and training available for circumventing internet censorship and surveillance." The deadline to submit an application is August 15. Travel grants are available if you apply by August 4th.
Hacker School:
"Hacker School is a three-month, full-time school in New York for becoming a better programmer. We're free as in beer, and provide space, a little structure, time to focus, and a friendly community of smart builders dedicated to self-improvement.
"We value free software, beautiful code, personal growth, and shipping. Applications are now open for our fall 2013 batch, which begins September 30." https://www.hackerschool.com/faq has more. Apply by August 1st to be guaranteed a decision by August 30th.
Code for America:
"If you’re a developer, designer, researcher, data enthusiast, urban planner, or entrepreneur who wants to make a difference, this is your opportunity." CfA is an 11-month paid program that provides mentorship, training, and more. http://codeforamerica.org/fellows/apply/ has more. Deadline: July 31st.