"Brion VIBBER" skribis:
There's a few feature requests that have come up multiple times, and I'd like some comments from other developers and power users before I go trashing the code on my own...
- "Most wanted" and "Most popular" special pages list the _total_ number
of links to a page, regardless of how many links there are _per page_. Some types of lists can hyperinflate the numbers; a list of video games might link [[Playstation]] 389 times (once for each Playstation game listed). The behavior that people seem to expect is a count of _pages_ that link, rather than the raw number of links. I would tend to agree. This can be switched by the simple addition of "DISTINCT" to a couple SQL queries; is there any reason to retain the current behavior?
[en] Is it possible to make this an option in the user preferences? The default should be the new behaviour.
[eo] Cxu eblas/senchavas fari tion opcio en la preferoj de la uzanto? La defauxlto estu la nova konduto.
- For the French wiki, the Wikipedia: namespace is tentatively set up as
"Wikipédia" (with acute accent on the "e"). The parser doesn't accept namespaces with non-ASCII chars so this doesn't work, which is a bug I intend to fix, but additionally one tester asked:
'For the francophone wikipedians without a French keyboard, would it be possible for the "Wikipedia:*" links to automatically transform into "Wikipédia:*"? Or, more simply, could the system interpret e/é as equal in the namespace portion?'
In short, allow aliases for namespaces. Good idea? Bad idea?
[en] Good Idea. In the German Wikipedia, I here think about "Benutzer" versus "Nutzer" (which I often confuse). In Esperanto, the question "Uzulo/Uzanto" or "Priparolu/Diskutu" is solved.
[eo] Bona ideo. En la germana vikipedio, mi pensas pri "Benutzer/Nutzer" (kiujn mi ofte konfuzas). En Esperanto, la demando "Uzulo/Uzanto" aux "Priparolu/Diskutu" estas solvata.