2006/9/22, Nick Jenkins nickpj@gmail.com:
Sounds good, that's been added now, and it should transform any proposed link variant of the form [[X|Y]], where X is a substring of Y, and where X and Y contain an equal number of spaces, into [[X]]rest-of-Y.
Something must have gone wrong there - it now turns it into [[]]rest-of-Y..., see http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=2005&diff=77172402&oldid=7... - and look for 'gas cylinder', 'aircraft carrier' or 'sodomy law'.
Why not have "don't know" selected for each item when the page loads - it will make things clearer, and then you only need to change the ones you are sure about.
Good idea, that's more explicit about what's going on. It has been changed to this now.
If I understand correctly, "Don't know" actually means "Don't link this, but don't let my decision count as a vote against linking in the future".
It suggested linking "source code" to "[[Source Code|source code]]", for instance, rather than just "[[source code]]".
Good catch, fixed now - Thank you.
I had a similar one, [[Second in Command|second in command]] instead of [[second-in-command|second in command]] ([[second in command]] is a redirect to that second one).